Swift River Services

Swift River was formed in 2014 to provide quality professional environmental services to commercial and governmental clients while generating revenue for our shareholders, who are Alaska natives and members of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Village Corporation. The core services now offered to our customers include:

Technical Support for Commercial Customers

  • Permit Preparation
  • Cultural Resource Investigations
  • Multi-media Monitoring and Reporting
  • Environmental Assessment/Impact Analysis
  • Program Management and Integration

Environmental Compliance Services

  • Air and Water Quality
  • Environmental Planning
  • Solid Waste Management
  • Hazardous Waste Management
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Sampling and Analysis
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Data Management and Reporting

Site Characterization, Monitoring and Reporting

  • Work Plan Development and Implementation
  • Baseline and Compliance Monitoring
  • Statistical Analysis and Reporting
  • Surface and Subsurface Investigation
  • Hydrogeologic Characterization
  • Numerical Modeling

Cultural and Natural Resource Management

  • Visual Impact Assessments/Viewshed Analysis
  • HABS/HAER Documentation and Historic-Properties Treatment Plans
  • Class I record reviews Literature Searches / Archival research
  • Archaeological Survey
  • Site Inventories
  • Archaeological Site Assessments and Testing
  • Geoarchaeological Analysis
  • Non-Invasive Survey and Discovery (Drone, Lidar, GPR)
  • Preparation of Data Recovery Plans
  • Data Recovery Excavations
  • Construction Monitoring
  • Agency and Tribal Consultation

Planning and Program Support

  • Long-range Operational Planning
  • Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Technical and Administrative Support
  • Environmental and Asset Management Technical Support for Coastal Resiliency
� Copyright 2022 Swift River Environmental Services, LLC